2015-2016 Honor Roll

This Honor Roll reflects gifts made to the Annual Fund between July 1st 2015 and June 30th 2016.  Donors are organized by Graduation Year and not gift amount.

Thank you to all of our donors for their ongoing generosity.

Men of Principle Society ($500-$999.99)

Don Brown 1958
Richard Kirk 1979

Wooglin Club ($250-$499.99)

R. Kent Galey 1968
John McConnell 1968

Alpha Eta Associates ($100-$249.99)

L. Sam Robinson 1950
Thomas Creager 1953
Charles Ashbrook 1954
Richard Lugar 1954
Edward Deeds 1955
John Adams 1956
Peter Armacost 1957
Philip Brady 1957
Peter Halliday 1959
Thomas Thuma 1961
Gerald Wischmeyer 1963
Terry Ripich 1966
G. Paull 1973
Richard Strup 1974
William Mason 1977
Scott Tyler 1986

Annual Dues ($35-$99.99)

Senour Hunt 1946
John Malloy 1960
William Malloy 1963
Charles McConnell 1963
Richard Tauber 1967
Robert Volodkevich 1978
Pat Heyman 1985
Robert Krischker 1988