2014-2015 Honor Roll

This Honor Roll reflects gifts made to the Annual Fund between July 1st 2014 and June 30th 2015.  Donors are organized by Graduation Year and not gift amount.

Thank you to all of our donors for their ongoing generosity.

Alpha Eta Founders Club ($1,000+)

Don Brown 1958
Jeremy Flug 1983

Men of Principle Society ($500-$999.99)

Moses Lane 1945
Bruce Mac Nab 1952
George Brown 1960
Richard Kirk 1979

Wooglin Club ($250-$499.99)

Charles Fischer 1957
David Jones 1957
William Wagner 1957
Ardon Judd 1959
Robert Dold 1960
John McConnell 1968
James Jones 1980
Douglas Adams 1994

Alpha Eta Associates ($100-$249.99)

Senour Hunt 1946
David Temple 1951
Thomas Creager 1953
George Dallas 1953
Roger Owen 1953
Edward Weber 1953
Charles Ashbrook 1954
Richard Lugar 1954
S. Roush 1954
William Ryno 1954
Dale Wolfe 1954
J. Richard Briggs 1955
Edward Deeds 1955
Tucker Marston 1956
Donald Pattison 1956
Arthur Baker 1957
Philip Brady 1957
Kenneth Rohl 1957
John Taylor 1957
John Thuma 1957
Peter Halliday 1959
Barry Porter 1959
Dennis Robertson 1959
F. Kenneth Ackerman 1961
N. Hardy 1961
John Sjostrom 1961
Thomas Thuma 1961
Dale Hamilton 1962
Stephen Simmons 1962
Stanford Ackley 1963
Charles Marston 1963
Gerald Wischmeyer 1963
Richard Schomaker 1965
Morton Cook 1966
Terry Ripich 1966
Kenneth Booth 1967
Mark Lewis 1967
R. Galey 1968
Michael Johns 1968
Daniel Kreer 1968
William Lewis 1968
James Martin 1969
Thomas Hoaglin 1971
L. Juliano 1971
G. Paull 1973
Richard Strup 1974
Jeffrey Ashcom 1975
D. Ireland 1976
Clay Graham 1977
Henry Jenkins 1980
Andrew Pitler 1980
Robert Hellyer 1981
T. Deveny 1982
Andrew Shoop 1982
Cal O`Callaghan 1985
Ernest Sims 1985
Ronald Cornell 1986
Dirk Butters 1991
Robert Dold 1991

Annual Dues ($35-$99.99)

Howard Shaw 1948
Dexter Tight 1948
Ben Callaway 1950
Thomas Davis 1950
A. Johnson 1951
H. Hundley 1955
John Malloy 1960
Anthony Biggio 1963
Philip Lee 1963
Charles McConnell 1963
Frederick Mann 1964
Robert M. Chisholm 1966
Andrew Hanen 1975
Timothy Smile 1977
Jeffrey Sultzer 1978
William Dennis 1983
David Munn 1984
Thomas Nilsen 1985
Steven Kaye 1986
Robert Kirschker 1988
John Judkins 2006