John Briggs ’55: The influence that Beta Theta Pi on me was Crucial; I am forever grateful

We want to take this time to say THANK YOU to John Briggs ’55 for his continued support of Alpha Eta Chapter of Beta Theta Pi over the years. He was recently named as one our top 50 donors, what an accomplishment! We asked him about his time with Beta Theta Pi and how that impacted life after graduation. Read on to see what he had to say!

What impacted your decision to pledge to Beta Theta Pi?

Football started two weeks before school opened and by the time fraternity rush started I knew a few upper classmen very well. One of my new best friends invited me up to the Beta House after practice one evening and I was comfortable and pleased to surrounded by so many of my new friends.

What set Beta Theta Pi apart on Denison’s campus while you were there?

Although the Beta House was known for their participation in the sports, both varsity and intramural, they also had a good number of intellects that gave it a nice balance.

What is one of your best memories?

During our first Spring vacation, a group of five of us spent the week with Beta brother Andy Deeds at his grandfather’s home on the “Moraine Farm” in Dayton. Col. Deeds was NCR Chairman and was “so largely responsible for the erection of the beautiful Beta Chapter house” in Granville. His gracious hospitality and our time at his home was absolutely remarkable.

What impact did Beta Theta Pi have on your life after graduation? How did it prepare you for life?

It was both and honor and challenge to have been elected president of the Beta House. The various personalities of the brothers represented all you would expect to find wherever you went throughout life. It was quite a year, but what I learned prepared me well.

Why do you give back? Why is giving back to Beta Theta Pi so crucial?

Although we have all had many growth experiences, the Beta years at Denison were my first as an adult and I was shaped by the rituals as well as the Beta brothers. The influence on my behavior and awareness was crucial and I have been forever grateful for such a exposure.


Can you finish this sentence: Without Beta Theta Pi, I wouldn’t ___________.

-have had the remarkable experience of the Beta Theta Pi Lore and the friends (such as Richard Lugar, former US Senator) that have been so formative in my life.

Thank you again to John for his dedication and support to Beta Theta Pi, your support is greatly appreciated and has provided a great deal of opportunity to the undergraduates and alumni, alike.