Some Memories from Oscar Tissue ’51

…Oscar was a pipe smoker. He used a corn cob pipe, which has a long stem with a three inch bowl. One day, his friend Jack Graham ’56 asked to borrow the pipe. Jack pulled out a can of tobacco and filled the entire bowl. He lit the pipe and looked like a chimney. He said it was quite a sight to see!

…One of Oscar’s brothers (he cannot remember who), brought a woman with him to the bar one night. Oscar decided to have a little fun and challenge her with chug-a-lugs. (drink a mug of beer very quickly) Oscar was very persistent with the challenge, and the woman told him, “If you make me chug-a-lug again, I’m going to throw it at you!” Oscar quickly replied that he would throw one back at her. He challenged her and she went for the throw. Oscar quickly took one side step, the beer missed him, and he tossed his beer all over the front of her dress. Luckily, she had a sense of humor, because they laughed about it a few days later.

…During a late night excursion, Bob Rave ’50 and one of his buddies had a little too much fun with Pabst Blue Ribbon beer and a local policeman one evening. They were driving past the prison, going towards Bellefonte, when they came across a sobriety check. Bob realized that he didn’t have his license with him, so he borrowed his buddies. He quickly reviewed the information on the license. When he rolled down the window, the police officer said, “Whew, what have you been drinking?” Bob proudly replied, “Pabst Blue Ribbon!” The police officer looked at the license and noticed that Bob was not wearing ‘his’ glasses, and called him on it. Hmmm…I wonder why not? Needless to say, Bob got a ticket out of that incident! Word to the wise…stay at home when you’re drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon!